Month: May 2022

What is Pericoronitis? How To Treat Pericoronitis?

Causes of Pericoronitis

It might seem that the Doctors at your children’s dental clinic in Aurora are very repetitive when they mention the importance of your child having a good oral hygiene routine. Maybe it’s even a bit overwhelming to hear all the brushing and flossing recommendations repeatedly. Still, at Epic Dentistry For Kids, we promise there is […]

Ask an Aurora Pediatric Dentist: How to Choose the Right Straw for My Kid’s Teeth

Teeth Straws - Epic Dentistry for Kids Aurora, CO

Global warming is a major concern these days, especially for the youth! At Epic Dentistry for Kids, we believe it’s super important for everyone to consider how they can help reduce consumption and preserve the environment. Our Aurora pediatric dentist, Dr. Patterson, encourages all of our patients and their families to look into how they […]