Category: Uncategorized

Orthodontics and Sleeping Problems

Orthodontics and Sleeping Problems

Besides eating and drinking water, sleeping is one of the most critical functions that humans need to function healthily. A human cannot go without sleep for long periods. Many people try to focus on getting a specific number of hours of sleep. What most do not realize is that it is not the hours you […]

Terrifying Tooth-friendly Treats and Ghoulish Grub in Aurora, CO

Dental Hygiene Advise - Epic Dentistry for Kids Aurora, CO

Trick or treat! Now that it’s October in Aurora, everyone in the city is bound to have at least one piece of candy. As pediatric dentists at Epic Dentistry for Kids, it’s not our job to regulate your candy-eating habits but to make sure you’re consuming responsibly. With sugar abound, the best thing we can […]

Tooth-Friendly Travel Tips from Our Aurora Pediatric Dentist

Aurora Pediatric Dentist - Epic Dentistry for Kids

Summer is a great time to go on vacation with your family. The kids are out of school, the weather is great, and there are tons of deals on Groupon! Of course, traveling can be a lot more complex than it seems. On top of hiring a dog sitter, booking flights, and organizing an itinerary, […]

Curb The Habit Before Any Harm Can Be Done

All babies suck their thumbs at one point or another, some even before they are born – expectant parents have seen it on the ultrasound! It’s a typical phenomenon that is completely harmless – up to a certain age. Sucking his thumb can’t harm your child’s baby teeth but when his permanent teeth start to […]