There are countless reasons why a child or adult may have a tooth or teeth that they feel uncomfortable about. Sometimes this can be a result of a broken tooth, a treatment that made one or more teeth noticeably different from the rest, or maybe just a few weirdly positioned teeth. Whichever the reason may be, nowadays, any patient can feel comfortable again in showing their teeth thanks to the use of dental crowns, which can give you a perfect and natural look.
What Is a Dental Crown?
When suffering from a broken or chipped tooth, your general dentist will consider fitting a dental crown on top of your damaged tooth. A crown is a molded structure that goes on top of your tooth and covers it completely, unlike veneers which only cover the front part of the teeth. To have a proper fit for your crown, your dentist will have to prepare your tooth by grinding it down a bit so that the molded structure can fit perfectly on it without looking disproportionate compared to your other natural teeth.
Any patient has a variety of different materials to choose from for their dental crowns, from porcelain to metal to a combination of both. Each material has its pros and cons, for example, crowns made out of gold can last up to 15 years, but they have the disadvantage of not being able to blend in with your other teeth. All porcelain crowns, on the other hand, are very good at simulating real teeth in both shape and color.
Generally, dentists use crowns on teeth that have gone through extensive treatment or are noticeably different than the rest; they can also have similar results by using veneers or dental bonding, a type of resin that dentists mold to fit the missing part of your teeth.
Can You Get a Dental Crown for Front Teeth Only?
Yes, you can get dental crowns for only your front teeth. As previously stated, your dentist will recommend crowns for you but only when some major treatment has been done or you’ve had teeth damaged beyond repair. For scenarios when it’s only a cosmetic need or a minor imperfection, dentists will most likely recommend veneers as they are easier to place and don’t require the dentist to file as much of the tooth.
Of course, regardless of tooth placement, the crown or veneer installed, given the correct material, will blend perfectly with all your natural teeth. Always ask your dentist what the best option for you is and be ready to take the necessary care to preserve your new teeth.
How Long Will They Last?
If you ever get a crown done, your dentist will inform you that your crown will last from 5 to 15 years. They say this as a preemptive method so that patients won’t think that crowns last forever or that they are indestructible. In reality, the number of years can be much higher if the patients take proper care of them and if the dentist installs the materials properly.
A study done in 2013 found that after 10 years of use, 97% of the crowns being monitored were still considered a success, meaning that they didn’t break or fall. Even after 25 years, 85% of the crowns were still lasting.
Even though we stated that dental crowns could last for decades, it doesn’t mean that that will always be the case for everyone, especially if the patient lacks proper oral hygiene. The material used in a crown will also affect its durability.
Although most materials last several years, they differ in how resistant they are to chipping or breaking. Always remember to follow through with your dentist recommendations and periodical appointments.
The Importance of Pediatric Dentistry
Although crowns are a great solution for those who want a healthy and beautiful smile, the best way to get these results is to avoid needing them at all. With proper care and treatment from a very young age, you can do just that.
Even though dentists begin the first orthodontic treatments when patients reach their teens, it is important to take them to dental appointments much sooner. From age 7, orthodontists can find signs of future or present problems regarding their teeth and jaw growth. Even before they reach 7 years of age, children could develop cavities that could need treatment. Thus, taking them to the dentist at a young age will allow your child to maintain a beautiful and natural smile.
Additionally, taking your child to a dentist at a young age will make them familiar with the whole situation and avoid negative feelings towards any dental-related procedure.
If you have any questions regarding dental crowns or kids’ dental care, contact us here, where we will be happy to help you.